Highlighting Major Benefits Of Instant Light Charcoal PA

Gone are the days when you’ve to wait for hours to get your hookah base catching the fire! Today, with Instant Light Charcoal; you can promptly light up your hookah base and enjoy instantaneous hookah smoking sessions whenever and wherever you want. The specially designed and treated bags of instant charcoal provide immediate lights to the hookah for prompt smoking sessions.

Simply use a long matchstick or BBQ lighter, trigger the Instant Light Charcoal PA, and watch your hookah base catching fire within no time! No extra lighting agents are required to light up hookah now! All you need to do is simply remove the inner bag plump of the pack, peel up the corners of the coal, and light it up with a matchstick or lighter – isn’t it easy?

Why Instant Coals For Hookah Smoking? 

1.      Quick Burn Time
From the moment you light it up with a lighter, the coal may take 5-10 minutes at max to get burnt. Also, it keeps burning for at least 120 minutes in one session.
2.      Different Pack Sizes Available
Right from a handy 500g coal packages to the bulk 15Kg bags; online, you can find a wide variety of coal bag sizes to light up your hookah sessions.
3.      Eco-Friendly
The instant coals of the hookah are made from sensibly sourced and handpicked eco-friendly and natural timber and coconut shells which ensure no harm to the ecology. 

Where To Shop Online? 

Are you looking for a reliable and dedicated smoke shop to buy the highest quality shisha tobacco flavors or hookah accessories or even Instant Light Charcoal online? Shop at Nara Premium Hookah, a United States-based premium hookah shop and avail free and quick shipping for instant charcoals and other hookah accessories anywhere in the USA. 

Browse www.narahookah.com for complete details!


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