Are Quick Light or Instant Light Charcoals for you?
As the name suggests the instant light charcoals light up real fast. Accelerants in this charcoal helps light it quickly. They burn relatively faster compared to natural charcoals. Most instant light charcoals burn approximately 20 to 25 minutes per coal while natural charcoals as mentioned above burn for double the time. Pros and Cons of Using Instant Light or Quick Light Charcoals Because they have accelerants, they light up pretty quickly and you can use a torchlight to light them up. These kinds of hookah charcoals are extremely easy to use especially when you are smoking outside because you can light up with a torch lighter. It is also good to use when travelling. On the other hand, quick light coals are considered a hazard because of the presence of accelerants. The ash content is more compared to natural charcoal thereby resulting in powdery ash. Moreover, quick light charcoals have a flavor to it therefore they can sometimes dominate the shisha tobacco fla...